The clinic colors have shifted to align with the university brand and are now cranberry. In most instances, the logos without a city name should be used. An exception would be where you are discussing both clinics, and you need to differentiate the cities they are located in.
Clinic Logos
Bastyr Clinic Logos
Use the Bastyr University Clinic logo without the city (San Diego) in most cases. The Bastyr University Clinic San Diego logo lock-up is used when there is a need to differentiate between locations, such as promoting both clinics together.
Bastyr Center Logos
Most of the time, the Bastyr Center for Natural Health is used without the city. The Bastyr Center for Natural Health Seattle logo lock-up is suggested when there is a need to communicate the location, such as promoting both clinics together.
Bastyr Dispensary Logo
The Bastyr Dispensary logo is used in limited instances (such as a sale flier), and should always be used alongside the BCNH logo.