A clear and easy-to-understand representation of data supports communication effectively with our audiences. Visualize information, facts, and interdependencies clearly through color and layout.
  • Use cranberry and turmeric predominantly. Add opacity when there are several data points to compare within the same graph.
  • Use Myriad Pro for data figures.
  • Bar weight and fill area of a donut chart should be substantive and easy to read.
  • Add data labels, legends, and text boxes that point out what each ring of a doughnut chart represents to convey what data is plotted in the chart.
  • You can use Excel or PowerPoint to replicate the charts and graphs below. 
Bar Chart
bar chart
To compare two contrasting points, use cranberry1 and turmeric3.
bar chart 2
To display various data points on the same topic, use all cranberry1.
Donut/Pie Graph
donut 1
To show 3 - 4 topics, use a donut chart with cranberry1 and light cranberry2 for the 1st two points. Use turmeric3 and light turmeric4 for points 3 and 4.
To convey data around multiple topics, use gradients of cranberry1 and turmeric3.
Line Chart
line chart
To compare to contrasting points, use cranberry1 and turmeric3.
line chart 2
To compare 3 - 4 distinct points, use cranberry1 and light cranberry2 for the 1st two points. Use turmeric3 and
light turmeric4 for points 3 and 4.

The charts and graph have been designed to be created in Excel and PowerPoint. Please contact Marketing if you need guidance.